Ok so I smell the food.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My hubby is making his dinner and it smells so good!

I have only had green tea and gum today and worked out
40 mins/540 calories
I was bad 2 days this week already!
I want to be bad again so I am blogging to try and stop the urge.

Money is tight, my dogs are dead, my hubby is useless (money wise) he is great about housework and the lawn, I have been in a funk for so long that I have a drinking problem, that has to be it, I want to turn my mind off by eating and drinking and I have done it so many times before that it is a habit now.  A very hard one to break!
We have a routine when we drink, we do shots and eat and listen to drinking songs, play GTA4 and kill people (in the game), and watch really bad movies and laugh and laugh and take a bubble bath and go to sleep.

Well, damn that does sound like fun..... If I drink it will be 690 calories that is 10 shots (I told you, drinking problem..) Then there is the food! Evil glorious food...French bread Pizza-920, if I skipped the sweets that would help alittle.  A whole thing of lite pringles would be 490. So we are looking at 690+920+490=2,105 (5 is for the gum I had today)  I don't know what I'll do.... I have to think about it.