1 step forward 6 steps back

Friday, October 1, 2010

9/29: Binge 3,040 cals , 27 mins/360 cals on Ellipi
Had a bad day at work, I work at a vet and we had to put some sweet babies to sleep.

9/30: Binge 3,000 cals, 26 mins/333 cals Ellipi

Today: 430 cals, 26 mins/352 cals Ellipi

I had another bad day at work, but did not give in to a binge.  Let's just try and keep it that way.  I am trying to work out at least 20mins everyday to get me in the habit again.  I have so far to go, all over again! Why did I let myself get this fat again? This is so depressing.